New College/Mellon Foundation, Connecting the Arts and Humanities on Florida’s Cultural Coast, project “Music in Transit: Migration and Melodies in Latinx Communities” 2020, $8,620 (Proposed with Dr. Ilaria Giglioli)
New College/Mellon Foundation, Connecting the Arts and Humanities on Florida’s Cultural Coast, Communities in Transit: Migration and Diaspora in the Arts, Humanities, and Humanistic Social Sciences, 2019, $2,500 (Proposed with Dr. Ilaria Giglioli)
Consejo de Educación de Puerto Rico No Child Left Behind 16-11, Proyecto de integración en las materias de Ciencias, Español e Historia para maestros de 9no a 12mo grado. 2017, $172,928.44.
Consejo de Educación de Puerto Rico No Child Left Behind 10-15, Proyecto de integración en las materias de Ciencias, Español y Estudios Sociales para maestros de 4to a 6to grado. 2016. $146,068.04
Consejo de Educación de Puerto Rico No Child Left Behind -14-16, Proyecto de certificación de Historia para maestros de Educación Especial, 2015. $192,890.93
Puerto Rico Endowment for the Humanities, Media and Educational Technology Grant, 25-14 2014. Mapa musical de Puerto Rico, 1850-1940. $38,849.00
National Endowment for the Humanities, Summer Fellow, José Martí and the Immigrant Communities of Florida in Cuban Independence and the Dawn of the American Century, University of Tampa, June 2019
Travel Award, The Society for Ethnomusicology, 2014
Honorable Mention, Ford Foundation Diversity Fellowship, 2007
Mendel Award in Latin American History, Department of History at Indiana University, Bloomington, 2007
Indiana University Graduate Fellowship, Department of History at Indiana University, Bloomington, 2006
Mendel Grant for Research in Latin America, Department of History at Indiana University, Bloomington, spring 2005
History Department Dissertation Fellowship, Department of History at Indiana University, Bloomington, 2004
Latin American Fellowship, Indiana Federation of Clubs, 2003
Tinker Grant for Research in Latin America, Indiana University Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies, 2002
Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowship, Indiana University Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies, summer 2001
Fellow for the Latino Graduate Training Seminar in Qualitative Methodology: “Interpreting Latino Cultures: Research and Museums.” Smithsonian Institute, summer 2000